Peptide therapy - Rejuvenate Medical

Peptide therapy involves the use of amino acid chains called peptides to promote health, slow aging, and treat hormone deficiencies or other medical conditions. At Rejuvenate Medical, we offer peptide therapies to help patients optimize their wellbeing and quality of life. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that act as signaling molecules in the body. There are many types of peptides, including growth hormone peptides, immune system peptides, and neurotransmitter peptides. When administered, peptides can have powerful effects throughout the body by balancing hormones, reducing inflammation, aiding tissue repair, and more. At our clinic, peptide therapy is prescribed to patients after thorough lab testing and medical evaluation. Our expert physicians create customized treatment plans using peptides like sermorelin, BPC-157, and AOD9604, among others. Treatment is administered via subcutaneous injections, patches, or creams. Below, we will explore key topics related to peptide therapies so you can understand the immense benefits they offer.

Benefits of Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapies provide a wide array of benefits by optimizing hormones, boosting immunity, aiding repair, and enhancing overall wellness. Key benefits include:

The wide range of peptide therapies we offer targets nearly all aspects of health and longevity. Our expert physicians design personalized plans to meet each patient's unique needs and goals.

Diagnosing Hormone and Peptide Deficiencies

Since many peptides act by optimizing hormone levels, proper diagnosis of any deficiencies is crucial. At Rejuvenate Medical, complete medical evaluation and advanced hormone testing set the foundation for peptide therapy.

We check levels of hormones impacted by aging, such as growth hormone, IGF-1, testosterone, and thyroid. Deficiencies in these hormones lead to symptoms like low energy, poor sleep, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, reduced libido, and more.

Testing also covers vitamin levels, inflammatory markers, kidney and liver function, and markers of aging like homocysteine. All this data informs the ideal peptide protocol for the patient's needs and objectives.

Ongoing monitoring ensures hormone and peptide levels remain optimized over the course of treatment. We adjust dosages and medication types accordingly. Close management by our expert physicians ensures results are maximized.

Optimize wellbeing. Contact us about peptide therapy.

Growth Hormone Peptides

Growth hormone (GH) is vital for health and longevity but declines significantly with age. Peptide therapies safely stimulate natural GH production, bringing levels back to youthful ranges.

Options like sermorelin and ipamorelin activate pituitary GH release, leading to greater tissue repair, fat burning, muscle growth, bone density, mood, and energy. They also boost IGF-1, a hormone critical for health and anti-aging.

CJC-1295 stabilizes GH levels, while hexarelin provides stronger GH release. These more potent peptides are options for some patients.

We tailor growth hormone peptide regimens based on the degree of deficiency, treatment goals, and other health factors. Injections are typically administered a few times per week.

Healing and Repair Peptides

Certain peptides excel at speeding repair in the body. They accelerate recovery from injury, surgery, or heavy exercise. They also aid general tissue maintenance and homeostasis.

BPC-157 repairs tendons, muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces systemic inflammation and even heals ulcers.

Thymosin beta-4 helps reactivate healing and regenerative genes, which decline with age. It assists in the repair of heart tissue after a myocardial infarction.

LL-37 is an immune defense peptide that protects wounds against infection. It also reduces harmful lung inflammation.

For recovery from sports injuries or surgery, we design treatment plans with an optimal mix of repair peptides. Their ability to heal at a cellular level is unparalleled.

Neurotransmitter Peptides

Mental health disorders are often related to imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. Novel peptides offer a promising method to safely optimize these chemicals.

Cerebrolysin has neuroprotective and nootropic effects that fight cognitive decline. It boosts the brain's ability to form new neuronal connections.

The peptide rubiscolin-6 stimulates dopamine production and may have antidepressant and anxiolytic properties. It also enhances focus and drive.

For patients with mood disorders, poor sleep, or trouble focusing, we use lab tests to pinpoint neurotransmitter imbalances. Targeted peptide regimens help restore optimal function.

Restore health and wellness with peptide therapy.

Additional Topics


We hope this guide demonstrates how peptide therapy can truly optimize wellness, slow aging, and enhance one's active and healthy lifespan. The field of peptide medicine is advancing rapidly, and our clinic stays on the leading edge.

Our experienced hormone and peptide therapy physicians design fully personalized treatment plans using the latest proven peptides. Along with advanced diagnostics and close monitoring, we help patients achieve lasting benefits.

Contact Rejuvenate Medical today to learn more and schedule your consultation. Our goal is to provide peptides that transform your health and quality of life.

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