Bio identical Hormone treatment - Rejuvenate Medical


Hormones play a crucial role in regulating many of the body's functions. When hormones fall out of balance, whether due to aging, stress, poor diet, or other factors, it can negatively impact your health and well-being. Bioidentical hormone treatment seeks to restore optimal hormone levels, alleviating unpleasant symptoms and improving quality of life.

At Rejuvenate Medical, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy using state-of-the-art diagnostic testing and only the highest quality hormones tailored to your individual needs. In this guide, we'll provide an overview of bioidentical hormones, hormone testing, treatment methods, and outline the many benefits of properly balanced hormones. We'll also highlight why Rejuvenate Medical should be your top choice for bioidentical hormone replacement.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are chemically identical to those produced naturally in the body. Some of the most commonly prescribed bioidentical hormones include:

The key difference between bioidentical and synthetic hormones is the unique molecular structure of bioidenticals allows them to fit perfectly into the body's hormone receptors and mimic natural hormones.

On the other hand, non-bioidentical versions have different structures which may produce side effects or less optimal results. For this reason, bioidentical hormones are generally considered the preferred form of hormone therapy.

Restore hormone balance, feel better. Contact Rejuvenate Medical today.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Feeling off but you can't quite pinpoint why? Hormone imbalance may be to blame. Here are some common signs and symptoms:

Estrogen Deficiency

In women, low estrogen levels can lead to:

Hot flashes, night sweats
Vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse
Urinary urgency, increased infections
Mood changes like irritability, anxiety, depression
Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses
Weight gain, slowed metabolism
Loss of breast fullness
Bone loss

Progesterone Deficiency

Symptoms may include:

Irregular, heavy periods
PMS, breast tenderness
Fatigue, sleep issues
Anxiety, irritability
Water retention, bloating
Weight gain

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency in both men and women can trigger:

Low libido, erectile dysfunction
Lack of energy, fatigue
Loss of muscle mass and strength
Depression, irritability
Reduced facial and body hair
Weight gain, increased body fat
Difficulty concentrating

DHEA Deficiency

DHEA is crucial for immune function, bone density, and mental health. Low levels are linked to:

Depression, mood disorders
Weakened immune system
Loss of muscle mass
Lower bone density, joint pain
Reduced libido

Thyroid Deficiency

An underactive thyroid gland produces insufficient thyroid hormone leading to:

Fatigue, weakness
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Dry skin, dry brittle hair
Intolerance to cold temperatures
Heavy or irregular menstrual periods
Muscle cramps, aches
Impaired memory

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, hormonal imbalance may be at the root cause. The sooner it is addressed, the faster you can start feeling like yourself again.

The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Correcting hormone deficiencies and optimizing levels with bioidentical hormone therapy can provide tremendous benefits for both men and women. Patients typically report improvements in:

In addition to feeling better day to day, balancing hormones can have protective effects long term by reducing risk of chronic diseases.

Diagnostic Testing is Key

The first step in any hormone therapy protocol is precise testing to identify where your hormone levels stand today.

At Rejuvenate Medical, advanced diagnostic tests including blood, saliva, urine and comprehensive questionnaires are used to obtain a complete picture of your current health and uncover the root cause of symptoms.

Some of the key lab tests may include:

Diagnostic testing provides objective data about your hormone status. This informs development of a customized treatment plan using the optimal dose and delivery methods. Follow up testing is conducted throughout treatment to ensure hormones remain balanced within ideal ranges.

Restore hormone balance. Contact Rejuvenate Medical for treatment today.

Rejuvenate Medical Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Methods

Once a comprehensive diagnosis has been performed, the next step is to determine the most effective way to deliver bioidentical hormone therapy. There are multiple options our practitioners may recommend:

Oral capsules

- Convenient daily dosage - Can be stopped quickly if needed - Works well for thyroid, DHEA

Sublingual drops

- Absorbed under the tongue - Fast acting - Avoid Digestive processing

Transdermal creams

- Apply to thin skin (wrist, upper arm) - Easy to adjust dosage - Bypass liver processing


- Applied to skin - Continuous slow release - Avoid spikes and dips


- Rice-sized pellets inserted under the skin - Provide consistent hormone levels - Long lasting 3-6 month relief


- Administered weekly/biweekly - Allows precise dosage control - Avoid liver destruction

Rejuvenate Medical providers will help determine which method(s) are optimal for your hormone needs and preferences. Many patients use a combination for maximum effectiveness.

Rejuvenate Medical Customized Treatment Protocol

There is no "one size fits all" approach at Rejuvenate Medical. Each bioidentical hormone therapy program is designed specifically for the patient based on lab results, symptoms and objectives.

Treatment usually begins with duty cycles of higher doses to replenish hormones quickly, followed by a maintenance phase with lower doses. Patients are monitored regularly to ensure hormone levels are optimized.

Estrogen and Progesterone Therapy for Women

For perimenopausal and menopausal women, combination estrogen and progesterone therapy is often recommended to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irritability and other symptoms.

Bioidentical estrogen (estriol/estradiol) is used to boost estrogen levels while bioidentical progesterone counterbalances estrogen's effects on the uterine lining.

When used together and cycled appropriately, estrogen and progesterone help stabilize mood, sleep, weight and other menopausal symptoms.

Testosterone Therapy for Men and Women

In both men and women, testosterone declines with age resulting in low energy, reduced muscle mass, depressed mood and waning libido. Testosterone pellets or injections can restore health and vitality.

In men, testosterone therapy is designed to alleviate symptoms of low testosterone (low T) including fatigue, sexual dysfunction, depression, muscle loss and weight gain. Blood tests are used to determine when testosterone levels return to optimal.

For women, small doses of bioidentical testosterone can rekindle libido, energy, cognitive function and overall health. When prescribed appropriately, testosterone offers a safe way for women to feel their best.

Thyroid Hormone for Metabolism and Energy

A sluggish thyroid can leave you feeling cold, fatigued, constipated and carrying extra weight. Bioidentical T3/T4 thyroid hormone helps normalize metabolism, body temperature, bowel regularity and energy levels.

Thyroid blood tests help pinpoint where T3 and T4 levels stand and determine the proper dosage to optimize thyroid function. Ongoing monitoring ensures the correct amounts are prescribed.

DHEA for Immunity, Mood and Physique

DHEA is a natural hormone that declines with age, compromising energy, immunity, muscle tone, bone density and mood regulation.

Bioidentical DHEA is available in oral and topical preparations that can quickly increase DHEA back to youthful levels to reap its anti-aging, performance enhancing benefits.

Other Hormones

In addition to the major hormones described above, Rejuvenate Medical also specializes in bioidentical:

Melatonin - for sleep regulation

Human growth hormone - for anti-aging benefits

Oxytocin - for enhancing intimacy and bonding

IV Vitamin Therapy - for immune function, energy and recovery

Balancing all your body's hormones is the secret to optimal wellness. Rejuvenate Medical will craft a therapy plan to meet all your hormone needs.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Recommendations

In addition to bioidentical hormone therapy, making certain lifestyle adjustments can help you achieve the best results:

Exercise - Staying active helps regulate hormones and minimize symptoms. Aim for 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.

Healthy diet - Eat a balanced diet emphasizing produce, lean proteins and healthy fats to provide the building blocks for hormone production.

Stress management - Chronic stress raises cortisol which can disrupt optimal hormone levels. Try meditation, yoga and deep breathing.

Quality sleep - Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep allows hormones to rebalance overnight. Develop good sleep habits.

Nutritional supplements - Certain vitamins, minerals and herbs support hormone production. Discuss recommended supplements with your practitioner.

Routine health exams - Have regular well-woman exams, prostate checks, lipid profiles, bloodwork and cancer screenings.

Limit alcohol - Heavy alcohol consumption can impair hormone function. Moderation is key.

Making positive lifestyle choices maximizes the benefits of your customized bioidentical hormone therapy.

Mental Health and Hormones

Hormones and mood are intricately connected. Imbalanced estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and testosterone levels have been associated with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.

When hormones return to optimal ranges with bioidentical hormone therapy, patients often report dramatic improvements in mental outlook including:

If you've noticed your mental health declining as you've gotten older, there's a good chance hormones are involved. Restoring balance can get you back to feeling like your usual self.

The Role of Testosterone for Men's Health

For men over 30, testosterone begins declining about 1% per year. Low testosterone or "low T" has adverse effects:

Testosterone therapy provides a safe, effective way to reverse the impact of testosterone deficiency. Benefits include enhanced libido, energy, strength, mental clarity, mood and overall masculinity.

Rejuvenate Medical male hormone optimization programs use bioidentical testosterone to bring testosterone back to healthy levels based on ongoing blood tests and monitoring.

Testosterone therapy can transform men's lives for the better. The sooner low T is treated, the more suffering and frustration can be avoided.

Rejuvenate Medical Specialists

Rejuvenate Medical practitioners are board certified medical providers specializing in precision hormone balancing to enhance wellness and performance.

With advanced training in anti-aging medicine, our clinicians follow best practices to deliver first-rate care. We stay up to date on the latest bioidentical hormone research and techniques.

Our goal is to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and craft an individualized therapy plan using cutting edge testing, only highest quality bioidentical hormones and proven treatment protocols tailored just for you.

We take the time to listen, educating patients every step of the way about the treatments we recommend and why. Ongoing monitoring keeps patients progressing toward their wellness goals.

Rejuvenate Medicalians include:

Our integrated team of clinicians brings a wealth of expertise under one roof to serve all your anti-aging and hormone therapy needs.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Medical?

When it comes to your health, you deserve nothing less than the best. There are many reasons to choose Rejuvenate Medical for your hormone therapy needs:

Don't settle for subpar care or remote assembly line hormone mills. Choose Rejuvenate Medical for personalized therapy that finally helps you feel your best!


Restoring balanced hormone levels through bioidentical hormone therapy can dramatically improve your overall health, vitality and quality of life. At Rejuvenate Medical, our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with personalized, comprehensive care using the latest diagnostic techniques and highest quality bioidentical hormones.

We understand that every individual's hormone needs are unique, which is why we take a customized approach to treatment. Our goal is to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and develop a tailored therapy plan that addresses your specific hormonal imbalances.

By combining bioidentical hormone therapy with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations, we aim to help you achieve optimal wellness and feel your best at every stage of life. Don't let hormone imbalances hold you back any longer.

If you're ready to take control of your health and experience the life-changing benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy, visit Rejuvenate Medical today. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to better health and well-being.

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