Brain fog - Rejuvenate Medical

What is brain fog?

Brain fog is a term used to describe feelings of mental clouding, fuzziness, haziness, and sluggishness. People with brain fog may experience short-term memory issues, difficulty focusing or concentrating, feeling spaced out, and a general sense of mental fatigue or grogginess.

Some common symptoms of brain fog include:

What causes brain fog?

There are many potential causes of brain fog, including:

Brain fog can also sometimes be a symptom of mold toxicity, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or other complex conditions.

How is brain fog diagnosed and treated?

Diagnosing the root cause of brain fog usually involves blood tests to check hormone levels, vitamin deficiencies, blood sugar, thyroid function, and markers of inflammation. Assessment of sleep quality, stress levels, and mental health are also important.

Once underlying causes are identified, brain fog can often be improved with lifestyle changes like:

Rejuvenate Medical specializes in diagnosing and treating the hormonal imbalances that can contribute to brain fog. Their expert physicians provide cutting-edge testing and personalized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormone therapy, supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes tailored to your unique needs. Rejuvenate Medical patients report amazing improvements in energy, clarity, memory, and focus after getting their hormones balanced and metabolism optimized.

In summary, brain fog refers to feelings of mental haziness that disrupt thinking and concentration. Contributing factors include sleep deprivation, stress, poor diet, hormones, medications, and medical issues. Lifestyle adjustments and treating underlying causes can often resolve symptoms. For a thorough evaluation and customized treatment protocol, visit a reputable hormone clinic like Rejuvenate Medical.

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